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Image by Victoria Aleksandrova
healthy living with holly


Curated Just for You

Welcome to the Healthy Living With Holly Blog, a collection of resources, tips and advice curated just for you. As a lifelong learner, I've compiled my favorite resources to help you get and stay healthy. Discover the pivotal changes you can make in midlife to look and feel your very best. I'm so glad you're here!

holistic health coach


I empower women to look and feel their very best so that they can be healthy, happy and rock a little black dress with confidence at any age!


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Diet and Fitness After 40: How to Transform Your Body in your 40's & Beyond.

There is this little perceived notion that when women turn a certain age, we start moving less and having less mobility. That once we hit 40, it's all over and we can't transform our bodies or get back to our pre-perimenopausal selves...

Today I'm debunking that myth and showing you how you CAN transform your body at any age.

You see, when I turned 40, I didn't recognize the woman looking back at me in the mirror.

She was exhausted 24/7, always bloated, and couldn't lose weight despite her efforts.

At that moment, I truly didn't know who that woman was, but I also didn't know how to get back to the one I did.

I felt like I had tried every diet in the book. You name it, I had done it, yet none of it worked for me.

It wasn't until I finally decided to take a chance and start something new that I finally got the results I was looking for.

It was all about mindset and putting in the work it would take to feel good again. You see the key to feeling your best in your 40's and beyond lies in making a few tweaks to your fitness habits — and mind-set — to set you up for long-term success.

Now, believe me, I was terrified to start this new program. I thought I was going to get made fun of or people would think it was just another fad diet trend I was trying to do to lose weight again.

But then something transformational happened...

I realized that the things that had worked in my 30's for fat loss weren't working anymore in my 40's.

When it comes to fat loss, it’s important to note that your body changes and you have to change your strategies along with it - because gone are the days of hours & hours of cardio, cutting calories, and carb-free dieting.

Here's the truth - no matter what age you are - those old school ways of thinking when it comes to fitness and nutrition are just that - old school. Our bodies need the right nutrients and exercise at EVERY age to function optimally. The difference is that when you're younger, your metabolism is higher and your hormones are at their peak, allowing our bodies to recover faster, even when we aren't taking care of it the right way. As we age and our metabolism slows, our hormones slow and our bodies start to change, we just notice the impact more than we did when we were young.

One of the best things I did for myself for my own fat loss was to focus on these 5 things:

Intermittent Fasting

I started intermittent fasting to help with an array of areas: lowering my insulin (which increases as we enter perimenopause and menopause), allowing my body to have time to digest and rest in between meals, having shorter windows of eating to ensure I didn't overeat, and giving my metabolism a boost - which also increased my energy, my sleep patterns, and more!

Tracking Macronutrients

I started counting macros. It’s important to know what you’re putting into your body, especially as we get older. Prioritizing a quality diet and macronutrients (carbs, fat, and protein) helped me take my fat loss to the next level.

Prioritizing Protein

I started to prioritize getting enough lean, healthy protein into my diet daily as possible. As we get older, our natural lean muscle mass starts to decline steadily. The best way to slow this down is to make sure you’re eating enough protein, increasing fat loss, and speeding up your metabolism.

Staying Hydrated

Drinking enough water is essential to fat loss as you get older. It helps regulate hunger cues, your body needs it to function, and for overall health.

Embraced Weight lifting

I started weightlifting. Resistance and weight training are more effective than cardio at building lean muscle, and muscle mass burns more calories at rest than other tissues, including fat. Building muscle may help increase resting metabolism in some people — that is, how many calories the body burns at rest. Studies show that doing strength training can promote bone development, reduce lower back pain, and reverse several skeletal muscle aging factors. Don’t be afraid of those heavy dumbbells, ladies! This is going to help build lean muscle mass, increasing your fat-burning ability.

And lastly, you need to make sure you’re getting enough sleep and prioritizing rest.

These are my non-negotiable when it comes to fat loss, whether it’s my own journey or my clients.

Here's what happened...

Within the first 2 weeks of working with my coach, I was already feeling better.

After 4 weeks, I was starting to see the difference.

And at just 6 weeks of working together...

My jeans were fitting better.

I noticed new muscles on my body.

And my energy levels were consistent throughout the day.

I was finally starting to feel like my old self again.

All because I decided to take care of myself for once and get back to the version of myself I knew was there all along - no matter what age I was.

If you're ready to have your own transformational journey - I'd love to be a part of your story and teach you everything I know and have learned through my own journey. Click the link below to join my next 6 Week FASTer Way round and let's rewrite your bodies story together.

xo, holly

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