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healthy living with holly
Image by Victoria Aleksandrova
healthy living with holly


Curated Just for You

Welcome to the Healthy Living With Holly Blog, a collection of resources, tips and advice curated just for you. As a lifelong learner, I've compiled my favorite resources to help you get and stay healthy. Discover the pivotal changes you can make in midlife to look and feel your very best. I'm so glad you're here!

holistic health coach


I empower women to look and feel their very best so that they can be healthy, happy and rock a little black dress with confidence at any age!


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Navigating Hormonal Changes | Fitness Tips for Women in Perimenopause

Hey friend!

If you're navigating the journey of perimenopause, you're in the right place. This phase of life, typically hitting in our late 40s to early 50s, brings a lot of changes.

Hormones are doing their dance, and you might be feeling it in various ways – from mood swings to weight changes and everything in between. But don't worry! I'm here to guide you through this transition with some fitness tips that will help you feel strong, balanced, and fabulous.

In this week's blog post, I'm talking all about why fitness is a game-changer for women in perimenopause (& menopause) and sharing some of my best fitness tips.

What Exactly is Perimenopause?

Before we dive into the fitness tips, let's talk about what perimenopause actually is. This is the time leading up to menopause when your hormone levels start to fluctuate. You might notice irregular periods, hot flashes, or just feeling off.

These changes can also impact your metabolism, muscle mass, and energy levels. But here's the good news – staying active and keeping up with your fitness can help you manage these changes and feel your best.

Why Fitness is a Game-Changer

Fitness isn't just about looking good – it's about feeling good, too. Exercise can help you manage stress, boost your mood, and keep your energy levels up. Plus, it supports your overall health, which is super important during perimenopause. So, let's get into some specific fitness tips that can make a big difference.

The hormonal changes in midlife mixed with a slower metabolism not only leads to the possibility of weight gain and a change in body composition, but also increase inflammation and the risk of disease, bone loss, and more.

Even if body weight doesn’t change in perimenopause, the same underlying shifts occur, which increases our risk in the post-menopause golden years. Meaning, your scale weight can stay the same but because muscle weight tends to go down in this stage of life and fat increases, weight can stay steady (or even decrease) but body composition shifts to an unhealthy bias towards excess visceral fat and low muscle mass.

Exercise helps reduce perimenopausal symptoms. One randomized controlled trial found 12 weeks of moderate exercise improved sleep quality, insomnia, and depression in sedentary women. Another study suggests that regular, moderate exercise (both cardiovascular and resistance exercise) can reduce hot flashes!

But as we hit those perimenopausal years, it's important to note that how we exercised in the past may need to be adjusted. While cardio is good for heart health, strength training can help to rev up the decreasing metabolism and help in burning the fat, even while resting, to avoid the dreaded menopausal weight gain.

Tip 1: Strength Training for Strong Bones and a Boosted Metabolism

Strength training is your best friend during perimenopause. As our estrogen levels drop, our bones can become more fragile, leading to an increased risk of osteoporosis. Weight-bearing exercises like squats, lunges, and resistance training can help maintain bone density and build muscle. Plus, it helps boost your metabolism, making it easier to manage your weight.

Tip 2: Cardio for a Healthy Heart and a Happy Mind

Cardiovascular exercise is key for keeping your heart healthy and your spirits high. Activities like walking, cycling, swimming, or dancing can improve your cardiovascular fitness, lift your mood, and help you manage stress. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity cardio each day. And if you want to spice things up, try interval training or HIIT workouts for an extra calorie burn and endorphin boost.

Tip 3: Flexibility and Mobility to Keep You Moving Smoothly

Flexibility and mobility exercises are crucial as we age. Incorporate stretching, yoga, Pilates, or tai chi into your routine to keep your joints flexible, improve your posture, and prevent injuries. These activities also help you relax and reduce muscle tension, which is perfect for overall well-being.

Tip 4: Listen to Your Body and Adjust as Needed

Your body is talking to you – make sure you listen! During perimenopause, you might feel more fatigued or notice joint pain. It's important to adapt your workouts accordingly. Choose lower-impact options when needed, and don't push yourself too hard. Rest and recovery are just as important as exercise, so give yourself permission to take it easy when you need to.

Tip 5: Eat Nutrient-Rich Foods for Hormonal Balance and Energy

What you eat can make a big difference in how you feel. Focus on nutrient-dense foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Foods rich in calcium, vitamin D, magnesium, and omega-3 fatty acids are particularly beneficial for bone health, mood stability, and overall energy. Try to limit processed foods, sugary snacks, and too much caffeine, which can mess with your hormones and energy levels.

Tip 6: Stay Hydrated and Get Your Beauty Sleep

Hydration and sleep are vital for feeling your best. Drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated and support your metabolism. Aim for 7-8 hours of quality sleep each night to help regulate your hormones, boost your mood, and support your overall health. A relaxing bedtime routine and good sleep hygiene can make all the difference in getting the restorative rest you need.

Tip 7: Find Your Support System

Going through perimenopause can feel overwhelming, but you don't have to do it alone. Having a supportive community and a structured program can make all the difference. That's why I'm excited to invite you to join my 6-week FASTer Way program, specifically designed to support women in perimenopause.

The FASTer Way program focuses on sustainable, healthy habits that address the unique needs of women experiencing hormonal changes. It combines effective fitness routines, nutrition strategies, and a supportive community to help you navigate perimenopause with confidence.

In my program, you'll get:

  1. Personalized Fitness Plans: Tailored workouts that consider your fitness level and any perimenopausal symptoms you might be experiencing, ensuring you get the most out of your exercise routine.

  2. Balanced Nutrition Guidance: Learn how to fuel your body with nutrient-rich foods that support hormonal balance, boost energy, and maintain a healthy weight.

  3. Accountability and Support: Join a community of women who understand what you're going through. Share your journey, gain motivation, and receive support from both your peers and professional coaches.

  4. Proven Results: The FASTer Way program has helped countless women regain control over their health, feel more energetic, and navigate perimenopause with ease.

By joining this program, you'll not only get the tools and knowledge you need to thrive but also the encouragement and support to keep you motivated. So, if you're ready to take charge of your health and feel your best during perimenopause, sign up for my 6-week FASTer Way program today. Together, we'll create a plan that works for you and helps you embrace this phase of life with strength and confidence. Click here to join my next round >>

Embrace Your Journey with Confidence

Perimenopause is a unique and transformative time in your life. By focusing on fitness, nutrition, hydration, sleep, and self-care, you can navigate this phase with confidence and grace. Embrace a holistic approach to wellness that nurtures your body, mind, and spirit. Listen to your body, make mindful choices, and remember – you are strong, beautiful, and capable. With the right strategies and support, you can thrive through perimenopause and step into the next chapter of your life feeling empowered and radiant.

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