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Image by Victoria Aleksandrova
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Welcome to the Healthy Living With Holly Blog, a collection of resources, tips and advice curated just for you. As a lifelong learner, I've compiled my favorite resources to help you get and stay healthy. Discover the pivotal changes you can make in midlife to look and feel your very best. I'm so glad you're here!

holistic health coach


I empower women to look and feel their very best so that they can be healthy, happy and rock a little black dress with confidence at any age!


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Staycation Wellness Retreat: How to Have a Health Retreat From Home

health retreat at home

Hey there! If you’re navigating the waters of menopause and feeling like you need a break, but travel isn’t in the cards right now, you’re in for a treat.

Why not create a health retreat at home?

A staycation wellness retreat can be just what you need to recharge, relax, and focus on your well-being. In this comprehensive guide, I’ll walk you through how to transform your home into a sanctuary of wellness, packed with practical tips and tricks. So, let’s dive in and start planning your perfect at-home retreat.

Understanding Menopause and the Need for Wellness

Menopause is a natural phase of life that every woman goes through, typically occurring in your late 40s to early 50s. This transition can bring a host of changes, including hot flashes, mood swings, and sleep disturbances. It’s a time when focusing on your wellness becomes even more important. A staycation wellness retreat is a fantastic way to address these changes and prioritize self-care without the hassle of travel.

Setting the Scene: Creating a Relaxing Environment

First things first, let’s talk about setting the scene. Your environment plays a huge role in how relaxed and rejuvenated you feel. Here are some tips to create a calming and inviting space for your staycation wellness retreat.

Declutter and Clean Your Space

Start by decluttering and cleaning your space. A tidy environment can significantly reduce stress and promote a sense of calm. Clear out any unnecessary items and give your space a good clean. This doesn’t have to be a chore – think of it as preparing your personal sanctuary.

Add Comfort and Cozy Elements

Next, add some comfort and cozy elements. Think soft blankets, plush pillows, and comfortable seating. Create a space where you can relax and unwind. If you have a favorite chair or a cozy corner, make that your retreat spot.

Nourishing Your Body: Healthy Eating for Menopausal Wellness

Nutrition is a key component of wellness, especially during menopause. Eating a balanced diet can help manage symptoms and boost your overall health. Here are some tips to nourish your body during your staycation wellness retreat.

Plan and Prepare Healthy Meals

Take the time to plan and prepare healthy meals. Focus on nutrient-dense foods that provide essential vitamins and minerals. Include plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats in your meals. Avoid processed foods and sugary snacks that can exacerbate menopausal symptoms.

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

Staying hydrated is crucial for your overall health. Drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep your body functioning optimally. You can also enjoy herbal teas, which can be soothing and hydrating.

Incorporate Superfoods

Superfoods are packed with nutrients that can support your health during menopause. Consider adding foods like blueberries, spinach, nuts, seeds, and fatty fish to your diet. These foods can help reduce inflammation, boost mood, and support hormonal balance.

Moving Your Body: Exercise and Physical Wellness

Physical activity is essential for maintaining health and wellness during menopause. It can help manage weight, improve mood, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Here are some ways to incorporate exercise into your staycation wellness retreat.

Start Your Day with Gentle Stretching

Begin your day with some gentle stretching exercises. This can help improve flexibility, reduce muscle tension, and set a positive tone for the day. You can follow a guided stretching routine or simply move in ways that feel good to your body.

Incorporate Strength Training

Strength training is particularly important during menopause to maintain muscle mass and bone density. Use light weights, resistance bands, or even your body weight for exercises like squats, lunges, and push-ups. Aim to include strength training in your routine a couple of times a week.

Calming Your Mind: Mental and Emotional Wellness

Mental and emotional wellness are just as important as physical health. Here are some strategies to help calm your mind and support your emotional well-being during your staycation wellness retreat.

Practice Mindfulness and Meditation

Mindfulness and meditation can help reduce stress, improve focus, and promote a sense of inner peace. Set aside some time each day to practice mindfulness. You can use guided meditation apps, listen to calming music, or simply sit quietly and focus on your breath.

Journal Your Thoughts

Journaling is a great way to process your thoughts and emotions. Take some time each day to write down how you’re feeling, what you’re grateful for, and any reflections or insights you have. Journaling can be a therapeutic practice that helps you gain clarity and perspective.

Pampering Yourself: Self-Care Practices

A staycation wellness retreat wouldn’t be complete without some pampering and self-care. Here are some self-care practices to indulge in during your retreat.

Create a Spa Experience at Home

Transform your bathroom into a spa with some simple touches. Run a warm bath, add some Epsom salts or essential oils, and light some candles. Enjoy a relaxing soak and let the stresses of the day melt away. You can also give yourself a facial, manicure, or pedicure for an extra touch of pampering.

Practice Gratitude

Practicing gratitude can have a positive impact on your overall well-being. Take a few minutes each day to reflect on what you’re grateful for. This can help shift your focus to the positive aspects of your life and enhance your sense of happiness and contentment.

Prioritize Rest and Sleep

Getting enough rest and sleep is crucial for your health and well-being. Create a calming bedtime routine, avoid screens before bed, and make sure your sleeping environment is comfortable. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night to support your body’s natural healing processes.

Planning Your 7-Day Staycation Wellness Retreat

Now that we’ve covered the different aspects of wellness, let’s put it all together and plan your 7-day staycation wellness retreat. Here’s a detailed schedule of one sample day to help you get started:

Day 1: Relax and Recharge

  1. Morning: Gentle stretching and meditation

  2. Breakfast: Smoothie with fruits, greens, and protein

  3. Mid-morning: Nature walk

  4. Lunch: Salad with lean protein and healthy fats

  5. Afternoon: Creative activity (painting, knitting, etc.)

  6. Evening: Light yoga session

  7. Dinner: Grilled salmon with vegetables

  8. Night: Relaxing bath and early bedtime

Use this simple plan to help you build out your next 6 days - or download a free copy of my Staycation Guide with a full 7-day plan mapped out for you! Grab your copy here →

Embrace Your Staycation Wellness Retreat

Creating a health retreat at home during menopause is a wonderful way to focus on your well-being and recharge your batteries. By setting the scene, nourishing your body, moving your body, calming your mind, and pampering yourself, you can create a rejuvenating and relaxing experience right at home.

Remember, this retreat is all about you. Listen to your body, be kind to yourself, and enjoy the process. Whether you follow the sample schedule or create your own, the most important thing is to take this time for yourself and prioritize your wellness.

So, light those candles, run that bath, and get ready to indulge in some well-deserved self-care.

Want to jumpstart your wellness retreat with a summer slimdown? Click the link below to join my 5-day Summer Slimdown Starting on June 17th and you'll get access to my Staycation Guide to get a quick

start on creating the perfect sanctuary to prioritize your health & wellness!

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